Feed Yard automation

Feed Yard Automation Case Study: MCF Feed Yards

Situation: MCF Feedyards wanted to expand their existing Comco batching system to include automated control of their receiving, transfer, and flaking processes.  MCF wanted to work with a partner that could provide an easy to use and customizable control system, with available 24×7 support.

Comco Solution

Comco provided complete turnkey control system solution from electrical/control design services to implementation to post-commissioning support.

Comco Solution

Control System –Comco developed a customized control system with custom HMI graphics, to maximize operations.  The system allows advanced control and auditing of all processes (receiving, transfer, and flaking) as well as advanced control and auditing of all equipment involved in each process.

Engineering Services – Comco provided electrical design services that included clear and accurate drawings for electricians and site personnel to follow on site. Comco also designed and supplied the PLC panels used for this project.

PLC Panels: All PLC Panels were CSA certified, designed with the best components, and tested comprehensively prior to shipping to ensure that the customer received a high-quality and reliable product.

Commissioning – Comco provided on-site training and commissioning services for MCF.   All PLC panels and IO were fully tested to the end devices, and all routes and interlocks were tested for the appropriate control system reaction during commissioning.

Comco Value-add

Comco has provided a number of benefits to MCF over the years:

  • The Comco control system allows the operators to operate the system in an intuitive manner with minimal user intervention.
  • The system provides a comprehensive picture of facility’s day to day operations including alarm histories, traceability, and reporting capabilities.
  • Comco’s 24×7 support ensures that all issues are resolved in a timely fashion with minimal down-time.

PLC Automation, Process Control, and Engineering Solutions For Your Industry